Hale’s Song: A single dad contemporary romance Page 5
“And your homework?” He’s a good kid, but I feel like I need to ask anyway.
“Yeah, Dad, I’ve got it. Got my lunch too. Did you know Miss Addy gave me some cookies for my lunch?”
I grin because that sounds like something she’d do. “No, I didn’t. You like her, huh?”
“She’s really cool and can bait her own hook.” Ah, all the important things, at least to a nine-year-old.
“Good qualities, I suppose.” Now I’m teasing him.
“Dad, she can cook, she can bake, she can bait her own hook. She’s perfect!”
“She probably snores or something.”
“Who cares? Buy earplugs or something.” I can’t help the chuckle that escapes at his statement.
“You trying to find me a wife?”
“Dad, I want you to have what Uncle John and Aunt Caroline have and I think Miss Addy could be that for you.” A little lower, almost in a whisper, I hear him say, “And I want a mom who loves me, too.”
“If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen, little man,” I tell him. “Now, c’mon, you don’t wanna be late.”
* * *
Once I drop JD off at school, I head to Addy’s house, my mind on the upcoming project. I can’t wait to finish the enclosed section for her and am already planning on spending time with her out there. When I realize that I’m hard, again, at the mere thought of her, I shake my head. I’ve never had this kind of reaction to a woman and I hope that she feels the same chemistry that I do whenever she’s near or even in my thoughts.
Unpacking my truck, I hear the garage door go up and see her backing out. When she sees me, she stops and rolls her window down. “Good morning, Hale.” Her sweet smile has me thinking of her laying on a pillow, her head next to mine.
“Morning, Addy, where are you off to so early?”
“Got cakes and stuff for Marvie. I won’t be long. Do you need anything while I’m out?”
“Nope, gonna work on finishing the enclosure so we can get a roof on it at least. We’re supposed to get bad weather in the next few weeks. Boz should be here soon.”
“Okay, well, I’ll be back shortly. Call me if you do need anything.”
“Will do. Be careful.”
We got the frame up on Friday so now, I’m busy getting it all enclosed. The interior stuff can wait, I want the room protected if at all possible. When Boz arrives, he joins me, and we soon have a rhythm going.
“You gonna ask her out again?” Boz asks.
“Yep. I think she’s the one.” I’m a guy so talking about this shit has me wanting to see if my balls are still attached, but I resist, just barely.
“Well, she can bait a hook,” Boz replies. At his words, I start laughing then relay the conversation I had with JD just a short time ago. “He’s a wise old soul.”
“That he is, my friend. Anyhow, I need to see if John and Caroline can keep him.”
“Oh, it’s that kind of date, huh?”
“No it’s not, you ass, I just don’t want to worry about being out late is all.”
“Her curfew’s midnight,” he teases.
“Who’s curfew is midnight?” Addy asks, coming out onto the back deck.
“Yours, gorgeous,” he replies.
“What? I’ve got a curfew? Since when?”
“Since this joker right here decided he’s gonna ask you out.”
I see her cheeks pinken at his words and hide my grin. “Boz,” she whines, “I’m old enough to do this dating thing.”
“Yeah, but it’s been awhile, and you know things have changed.”
“Oh for Christ’s sakes, Boz, it’s not like I’m stealing her away to Vegas to get married,” I state.
“Was that even an option?” he questions, a wicked grin on his face. Asshole.
“Not yet.” There, that should put him in his place. When I hear a slight gasp, I turn and see her face is even redder. Walking over, I run my finger down her cheek and whisper, “Never know what’ll happen, pretty girl.”
“Oh, yeah?” she whispers back.
“Yeah. And if we were alone right now, I’d kiss you,” I admit.
“I’d let you if we were,” she replies. Fuck my life. Louder, she says, “I’ve got some sweet tea for y’all and water as well. Let me know when you get hungry and I’ll make some sandwiches.”
“You don’t have to feed us, Addy,” I tell her.
“I want to, okay? My baking won’t take long.”
“If you’re sure.”
“You gonna ask her or what?” Boz asks, butting in.
I shoot him a death glare and he laughs, walking off to give us a semblance of privacy. “So, JD has a game Friday night and one Saturday morning, but I wanna know if you’d like to go out to dinner Saturday night?”
Her eyes light up at my words and again, I wish we were alone. “I’d love to. Just tell me where so I can make sure I’m dressed appropriately.”
“Honey, you could show up in a burlap sack and still look beautiful.” I love her curves. She’s not model-thin, not by a longshot, but her soft curves have me thinking about things we can do when we’re alone.
Her smile and blush have me grinning as I lean in and kiss her forehead. I’m trying to be patient but that may go out the damn window before it’s all said and done!
“I’ll let you two get back to work. Oh, and Hale? I’d love to see JD and his team play sometime. That is, if it’s okay?”
“You wanna come to Friday night’s game? It promises to be a good one and he’s on the schedule to pitch.”
“I’d love to. Do I need to bring anything?”
“Maybe she can bring some of those cookies and give the boys incentive to win?” Boz muses.
“You don’t have to bring anything, sweetheart.”
“No, JD and Johnny like my cookies. If it’ll help them win, I’m all for it,” she replies. Then she shocks the shit outta me and winks at me! This woman keeps showing me different sides and so far, I’ve loved every single one of them.
“Alright, break’s over, we need to get back to work,” Boz states. Her giggles follow her into the house, and I shoot him a glare.
“What the fuck, man?”
“We’ll never get this done if you keep giving her googly-eyes instead of working those muscles.”
“Whatever.” My best friend is obviously an asshole.
“I’m afraid of this, Marvie,” I state, making sure that there’s no way the two men outside can hear me. I had called her to confirm what she wanted for the week and somehow, the conversation turned to Hale.
“Why, sweetie?” Her question is valid, and I don’t know if I can put it into words.
Sighing, I reply, “Because it feels like things are going fast. Because I’ve only ever dated Branson and we both know how that ended. Because I really really like him.”
“First of all, if you think it’s going fast, tell him. I suspect he’d wait until the next millennium just to have a shot at all that is you. Second, Branson was a fuckwad, plain and simple. He threw the best thing he ever had away and guess what? There’re no take-backs so his loss will be Hale’s gain. Well, Hale and that little guy of his, that is. Last, he’s a good guy and I know he likes you too.”
“Why do you have to make perfect sense?” I muse. “Why?”
“It’s a gift,” she states. “Now, I gotta run because the idiots who were supposed to have my delivery here are an hour late.”
“Later, Marvie.”
“Bye, Addy.”
I hang up the phone and head back into the kitchen to put together some sandwiches for Hale and Boz. I like the simple tasks of taking care of him and if that makes me a throwback to an earlier generation, I simply don’t care. I just hope that things continue on the way they’ve been because if I let myself hope, I can see him being with me for the rest of our lives. Once I have the plate done, I carry it out onto the back porch.
“Hey, y’all, sandwiches are ready!” I holler out.
“Did you put…” Boz starts to ask.
“Yes, I put that mustard that you like on them.”
“And the cheese?” I roll my eyes at him and nod. “Good. Glad to see I’ve finally got you trained.”
I can’t help it, I burst into laughter because he looks so serious. “Boz, after all these years of making sandwiches for you, I’ve got it down pat. Hale, if there’s anything you prefer, just let me know.”
He grins at me, grabbing one off the plate and bites into it. “Nope, seems like you’ve got what I like already down pat.” His wink to me has me blushing and I find myself speechless.
“Okay, um, well, I’ll let you two enjoy it. I’ve got errands to run since Marvie had a few requests and I’m out of those ingredients. Oh, Hale? Do you think there’s room over on the other side for a chicken coop? I’ve been thinking of using farm fresh eggs.”
“Don’t see why not. I’ll take a look later, okay?”
“Thank you.” With that, I head back into the house only to find Hale hot on my heels.
“So now that we’re alone,” he says, “can I ask you something?”
“Can I kiss you?” Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting, not by a longshot, but I’d be a fool not to say yes because I feel as though there’s something special about him. And my momma didn’t raise a fool, that’s for sure!
Instead of verbally assenting, I step closer to him and loop my arms around his neck. One of his hands reaches up to cup my cheek as he leans down until we’re breathing the same air. I feel a frisson of excitement go through me as his lips lightly touch mine.
The spark of lightning that shoots through me has me moving closer as he deepens the kiss. When his tongue swipes my lower lip, I open my mouth and soon, our tongues are dueling. I can feel his excitement pressing into me, but he makes no move to roam, keeping one hand on my face and the other at my waist. Long moments later, we pull apart, both breathless. He places one light kiss against my lips before saying, “I couldn’t wait until our date.”
I can’t help it, at his words, I giggle, because he sounds more like a teenage boy than a grown man right now. “Well, now I don’t have to worry about the end of the date,” I tease.
“You were worried about me kissing you?” he asks, a frown marring his forehead. I reach up and smooth it out, shaking my head.
“No, well, maybe? I don’t know. I mean, I’ve only ever dated one other person and I ended up marrying him and we know how that ended.”
His low growl has me stepping back a bit. “He was a fool,” he mutters. “But his loss is my gain.” Leaning in again, he takes my lips and I find myself enveloped in all that is him.
Friday Night
“Miss Addy, I think you bringing the cookies helped us win tonight,” JD says.
“JD, I think your team and their awesome skills is what enabled y’all to win,” she replies.
“Maybe so, but the cookies definitely helped. They were a great incentive.” I shake my head at his vocabulary because he uses words far beyond his nine years of age and uses them properly. I see the look on her face and grin. She looks adorable tonight, dressed in a summer dress that hits her mid-thigh and a pair of sandals. She did something to her hair, pulling it up and off her neck and immediately, my thoughts turn to how soft her skin likely is behind her ear. I reach down and discreetly adjust myself, grateful that it’s dark inside the cab of my truck.
“Well, I’m glad I got to watch y’all tonight. You’ve got a wicked curveball, young man,” she tells him. I see his grin in the rearview mirror and silently thank the countless camps I’ve sent him too, as well as the retired minor league ballplayer who is his current pitching coach. I lucked up into that one because I went to high school with the guy and when he happened to see JD pitch, he approached me.
“Thank you. Dad sends me to camps and stuff and I’ve got a coach who used to play ball who works with me.”
“You’re a good dad, Hale,” she murmurs, low enough that he can’t hear. I reach over and grab her hand, lacing our fingers.
“Thanks. It’s not always easy, that’s for sure.”
“The best things in life never are though, are they?”
Somehow, I know she’s talking about something else, but I agree with her. “No, they’re not.”
“Dad says he’s taking you out on a date tomorrow,” JD pipes up.
“He is, yes,” she says, turning in her seat so she can see him as they talk. I like that about her; she never acts as if his comments or questions are too much.
“Where are you taking her, Dad? What about that barbeque place we like so much?”
I chuckle because that’s exactly where I’m taking her. “As a matter of fact, we’re going to The Oink Joint. You do like barbeque, don’t you?” I ask.
“Love it! So, casual dress then?”
“Yeah, pretty girl, casual works.” Her smile my way sends my heart beating faster. Ever since our kiss earlier this week, my mind has been going ninety to nothing with thoughts of the future.
I pull into her driveway and shut the truck off. “Stay here, JD, I wanna make sure Miss Addy’s house is okay before we go.”
“Okay, Dad. ‘Night, Miss Addy.”
“Night, sweetie. Get some good sleep tonight. I understand you’ve got another game tomorrow.”
“Yeah. I don’t pitch tomorrow, but I still have to play.” I grin at his words because he’s always ready to play, no matter where his coach puts him.
Getting out of my truck, I walk around and help Addy down, keeping hold on her hand as we walk to her front door. Once it’s unlocked, I precede her in and check the house out, before rejoining her at the foyer. Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her, pouring everything I’m feeling into it.
“See you tomorrow around five?” I murmur against her lips.
“That sounds good. Hale, I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too, Addy, me too,” I reply before kissing her once more. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“Night, Hale.”
“Night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.” I know for myself that I’m gonna be taking a long-ass shower once I’ve got JD settled. “Make sure you lock up.”
I wait to hear her engage the locks before I head to my truck and home. “I really like her, Dad.”
“Me too, Son.”
I’m lying in bed reading when I get a text. Thinking it’s Marvie wanting to know how the game went, I’m surprised to see it’s from Hale.
Hale: Wanted to thank you again for going tonight. I think the boys enjoyed the cookies a lot.
Addy: I forgot how much fun a little league game could be!
Hale: You weren’t busy, were you?
Addy: Not at all, just lying in bed reading with the tv on.
Hale: What are you watching?
Addy: Forensic Files.
Hale: How can you watch that living alone?
Addy: No idea. I usually fall asleep with it on in the background.
Hale: So, you have to have noise at night?
Addy: I guess it’s white noise? I don’t know. I just know when the power goes out, I don’t sleep until it comes back on.
Hale: I usually have a ceiling fan running.
Addy: Me too!
Hale: Well, I won’t keep you. Sleep well and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Addy: You do the same. Looking forward to it.
I smile as I put my phone on the charger. He’s such a nice guy and I’m ridiculously attracted to him but scared at the same time. There’s so much about me that he doesn’t know yet and I hope it won’t cause him to go running in the opposite direction. My fingers absently touch my lips where mere hours ago, his were caressing mine. Even when we first started, I never felt the attraction with Branson that I do with Hale. That makes me wonder if everything wou
ld be better with Hale. He’s got so many of the qualities that I admire in a man - he’s a good dad, a conscientious worker, honest - and the fact that he’s hotter than anyone I’ve ever met is kinda like the cherry on top of a banana split!
Sighing, I turn off my lamp and curl into my pillow. I wonder if he’s a cuddler or if he’s the type of man to keep to ‘his’ side of the bed. I like to snuggle, and Branson hated it. Granted, it got worse over the past few years until he was generally sleeping in the spare room, claiming that he had restless leg or some shit and didn’t ‘want to disturb’ me.
The last thought I have before succumbing to sleep is to wonder if Hale is selfish in bed.
Glancing at the clock, I realize I need to finish getting ready. I have all the baking done for the next week and cakes are cooling on every available surface. I’ll freeze most of them to keep them fresh, but I have five I need to frost tomorrow so Marvie has them for Monday. I grin when I think about how well my idea was received by her patrons. It’s not unusual for me to have to make extras so that she has enough for the full week.
A meow has me looking down and I grin, seeing Libby winding her way through my legs. “C’mere, pretty girl,” I croon, stooping down to pick her up.
I carry her into the laundry room where I get some wet food and put it in her bowl. “There you go. Momma has to get ready for her date now.” Libby doesn’t respond, her face in her bowl as she eats like she’s been without food for weeks.
Heading into my bathroom, I quickly undress and slip into the shower, where I make quick work of washing and conditioning my hair, before I exfoliate and shave. Now that I’m apparently dating someone, I can’t forego my razor, can I?
Once dressed, I start drying my hair so that I can style it. Deciding to wear it down, I pull out the wand I bought and concentrate on putting curls throughout, before I tousle them so they don’t look so prim and proper. A little bit of make-up has me grinning in the mirror. He makes me feel pretty, even when I have none on, but I want to expend the effort to show him that this is important to me. I slip my sandals on then grab my e-reader and head to the front room to wait.