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Nick: Black Tuxedos MC Page 3
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Page 3
“I can’t ask you to do that,” she states, a frown marring her face. I look closer and have to hide my grin. She’s a pretty little thing, her head barely coming to my shoulder. Of course, right now, she’s hardly more than skin and bones, but I know my mom will change that rather quickly.
“You didn’t ask, I offered. Don’t worry. Let us help you. Please?” I all but beg. I refuse to question my motives right now, but there’s something about her that calls to a part of me that’s been dead for a very long time.
I stare up at this leather-clad guardian angel as I think about his words. I don’t have much of a choice, though. Amelia’s sick and my wrist isn’t getting any better. “Okay, but you have to let me know how much it ends up being so I can pay you back,” I tell him.
He nods but I notice he doesn’t agree, instead he asks, “Do you want something to drink?”
“Um, a Coke would be good. Thank you.”
I got up and grabbed some drinks, then sat down next to her. For the first time in a long time when I’m not with my brothers, I feel a sense of peace. Maybe it’s because I’d talked to Reese, maybe because I’d finally filled my dad in. I don’t know, but decide to just go with it.
“Hopkins?” a nurse calls. Standing, I grab Amelia’s carseat and place my hand on Shayla’s back. The shock of electricity that courses up my arm has me glancing down at her. Never felt anything like that before. Shaking my head, Mom, Shayla and I follow the nurse into a room, and I listen as she gets the baby’s information and symptoms first, and then focuses on Shayla.
“Let me get some oxygen for this little one,” the nurse states after taking Amelia’s vitals.
“Is…is she okay?” Shayla whispers. I see tears well up in her eyes and feel even more of my ice-encased heart thaw.
“Her oxygen level is a little low, so it’ll help until the doctor gets in here and examines her,” the nurse explains. “We’ll take care of her first, then you.”
“I’m okay with that, just make her better,” Shayla states.
“You’ll be seen too,” I tell her. “And nurse? She hasn’t said anything, but her rib area is bruised as well.” The nurse looks at the two of us and her eyebrows raise. Before she can say anything, I continue, “I just met her today, she started working for the Black Tuxedos MC, and I noticed she was hurt. I brought her to my folks and my mom told me about the bruises.” Okay, so I lied a bit, but I didn’t want her to feel awkward knowing I had seen the bruises. She seems to be a private person.
The nurse leaves the room and comes back with a second nurse and a wheelchair, saying, “C’mon, young lady, let’s get some x-rays done of that wrist and your ribs so the doctor can see both of you at the same time.”
I see the look on her face at the thought of leaving Amelia and lean down to say, “Mom and I will stay with her. You go on now and get yourself looked after.”
“Are you sure? I can wait,” she replies.
“Shayla, sweetie, you’re no good to her if you can’t pick her up. Go ahead and get that taken care of so you can get better,” Mom pleads.
The ghost of a smile crosses her face before she states, “You’re ganging up on me, aren’t you? Fine, I’ll go.”
I watch as she lets the nurse help her into the wheelchair and take her out of the room. Once she’s gone, I look at my mom and say, “I think she’s got trust issues.”
Mom snorts at my comment. “Nicky, she’s the epitome of an abused woman. No worries, though, your dad and I will see that she’s safe and has a job. It’s why you brought her to us, right?”
“Yeah. That and I didn’t know what else to do. It’s not like I have somewhere for her to stay.” And I don’t. I live at the clubhouse seeing as I’m single and have no need for a place of my own.
Yet a tiny voice whispers in the back of my mind.
* * *
Thirty minutes later, Shayla’s being wheeled back to the room where we’re waiting with the baby. “Has the doctor been in yet?” she asks once inside.
“Not yet, the nurse took some blood and they’re waiting on those results,” Mom replies. “Nick, go grab us some more drinks, please?”
I look at my mom and nod. “Any preference?”
“Um, just water, thanks,” Shayla replies. “Thank you, Nick, for everything.” The last is barely audible but I hear it and give her a smile that she tremulously returns. “I mean it.”
“I know you do and you’re welcome. Be back in a few.”
I leave the room knowing that my mom is going to try and find out more information about her new houseguest.
“So, what did they say about your wrist?”
“The technician didn’t really say anything, but judging by her facial expression, I think it’s more than a sprain.”
“Honey, there’s a good chance, since it’s what, two weeks old, that you’ll need surgery to repair it.”
“I can’t afford that,” I whisper. “The club has paid well for what I’ve been doing for them, but I had to get a few things fixed on the van and make sure that Amelia has what she needs.”
“What about you?”
My head hangs as I admit, “I…I made sure I ate.”
“How many times a day?”
“At least once. Amelia is my priority.”
“And how are you going to take care of this precious little girl if you’re sick because you’re not eating?”
I sigh because I haven’t been thinking clearly, not since I left. My focus had been on getting far away. “You’re right. I’m…I’m scared, Jaycie. What if he comes after me?”
“You’re safe here. We won’t let anything happen to you and if I know my son the way I think I do, you’ll be seeing a lot of him once you get settled.”
“I don’t understand why. I mean, I’m nothing special and I’ve got a kid.”
“Trust me. Let me tell you a story, okay? Then you’ll understand a little bit about the man I…we’ve raised. When Nicky was five, I was separated from his father and going through a divorce. Had a piece of paper that meant jackshit to be honest, but I thought I was safe. Anyhow, he kidnapped us one day after beating and stabbing me, and then, we ended up in a bad crash. His father died and my best friend and her mom took us in while I healed. When I started working again, I drove a truck for Brenda’s business and ended up stopping at Brody’s diner after he had bought and renovated it. We started seeing one another and got married and he adopted Nicky as his own. So, you see, you can have a happy ending.”
“And Brody treated him like he was his own?”
“Absolutely, all the way down to the marrow of his bones, he says he is his son. That’s the environment my son was raised in, so if he’s interested, it’s not gonna matter about Amelia, just gives him someone else to love.”
“I…I’ve never had that, other than my grams and I don’t really remember her that well any more. I wouldn’t know what love was unless it hit me in the face.”
At my words, Jaycie starts laughing. “Sweetie, believe me, if…no, when it happens, you’ll know.”
Before I can answer, both the doctor and Nick come into the room. “Well, Miss Hopkins, your wrist is definitely broken and while we’ll be able to set it because it’s a clean break, I’m going to have to give you some mild sedation because it’s going to hurt. Now, this little one has pneumonia and I want to admit her to the pediatric unit for a few days to give her the medicines she needs and allow her to heal a bit under the oxygen tent.”
“Can I stay with her?”
“We’ll make arrangements for that, yes. So, let’s get you taken care of first, I’ve got the orthopedic doctor on his way down. Hop onto the bed while he holds your daughter.” I look at Nick and he gently picks up the sleeping baby, being careful not to jar any of the IVs that are coming from her head and feet. I watch as he hands Amelia to his mom and then he comes over to the wheelchair and gently picks me up and lays me
on the bed. Going to the other side, he reaches out, grabs my good hand and laces his fingers with mine. “I’ve got you, Shayla, and I won’t let go,” he promises. I nod, too scared about what is to happen to think about the fact that when he’s around, I feel safe.
* * *
“Visiting hours are over, sweetie. What do you need me to bring up tomorrow?” Jaycie asks.
“Um, I guess a toothbrush and toothpaste, that kind of thing?”
“I got it, Mom,” Nick replies. “I’ll bring you some breakfast when I come in the morning, okay?”
“You don’t have to do that,” I state.
“Yes, I do. You’re mine,” he says.
What the hell? Shaking my head at his words, I finally acquiesce. The events of the day combined with the stuff they gave me to knock me out so they could properly set my arm have me a bit woozy and too out of it to argue. “Thank you, again.”
“Are you in any pain?” Jaycie inquires.
“A little, but I don’t want to take anything in case Amelia needs me,” I say, looking at the small bed where my daughter lays underneath an oxygen tent. I can’t even touch her right now and it breaks my heart.
“She’s going to sleep for a while according to the doctor. They gave her something so she would rest and allow the medicine to work.”
“I’ll tell the nurse you need something. Now, get comfortable and get some rest, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Watching him leave the room, I glance at Jaycie and ask, “Is he always this bossy?”
“Not unless he cares.”
After ensuring that the nurse would take Shayla some pain meds, I leave the hospital and head to my folks’ house. Walking in the front door, I see my dad and ask, “Any beer?”
“You should know better than that, of course there’s beer. Grab me one and let’s go talk.”
I mentally groan but decide this is a needed conversation. Grabbing the cooler from the pantry, I fill it with ice and beers because this conversation is going to take more than one. I’ve glossed over so much but growing up, my dad had been my closest ally and friend and I knew that with his own experiences, he might be able to offer some insight.
Once on the back deck, I hand my dad a beer and set the cooler down between us. “Okay, I can see you’ve got a lot of things on your mind, why don’t you break it down for me?” Dad asks after taking a long pull from his beer.
“Shit, Dad, I don’t know where to start. I mean, I’m attracted to her and isn’t that kind of strange? She’s skinnier than a rail and is bruised to hell and back and here I am building a future with her in my head. How is that possible? She’s obviously running from something. What if he decides to enter the picture again? What if she loves him? Then what?”
“Whoa, that’s a lot at once. Let’s break it down, okay? I was attracted to your mom the first time I saw her. Granted it was after she had healed from the shit Drake pulled, but Son, attraction doesn’t only mean when a woman is dressed to the nines. Attraction is when they look their worst and you still feel like they’re the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. So no, it’s not strange. As for being so skinny, your mom has been texting me all day and she’s been eating maybe one meal a day, putting the monies she’s been making from y’all into making sure her daughter has what she needs. That tells me she’s a selfless, giving person. Building a future? My advice on that is to take it slow. Come and visit, let her get to know you and share her story with you. And if that person she’s running from decides to show up, I’ll handle it. From what your mom says, there’s no love there and I don’t think your girl has had much of it in her life. You, on the other hand, have been surrounded by it and will be able to show her what it’s all about. And, we’ll be doing the same. She seems easy to love.”
“But can she deal with someone who’s fucked in the head?”
“You’ll have to talk to her about that and what plans you’re making to get it all sorted out.”
“Dad, I have horrible nightmares. The only way I’ve gotten rid of them is to drink until I pass out.”
“And how has that worked out for you?”
“It hasn’t. I’ve done some things I’m not very proud of since getting discharged.”
“We all do, Son. The true measure of a man, though, is realizing that they’ve gotta make changes and that’s what you’re doing. Like I said, we’ll give Shayla a job at the diner and Brenda has a trailer ready for her and Amelia when they get out of the hospital. You need to focus on getting your shit straight, we’ve got her.”
“You sure?”
“I’m positive. Now, let’s go see what we can rustle up for dinner. I know y’all ate at the hospital and I also know that the food sucks.”
I laugh as I follow my dad back into the house. For the first time in a long time, I feel…free.
“She’s gonna be alright,” the nurse murmurs as she checks over Amelia. “And I know I don’t know your story, but you’ve done a good job so far. She’s beautiful.”
I look at my daughter and smile. “She’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’d give my own life for hers.”
“Well, you won’t have to do that, sweetie. Now, how’s your pain level?”
“Maybe a six? It’s throbbing a lot.”
“Let’s get you another dose of pain meds.”
“Thank you. I’m glad they’re letting me stay.”
“Well, it’s a bit unusual since this is the pediatric ward and you’ve just turned twenty-two, but the doctor knew you wouldn’t leave your daughter and stay on another floor, so he bent the rules for you.”
Tears come to my eyes at the kindness I’ve experienced since meeting Reese and his wife. As I curl into the recliner and allow the medicine to take effect, I whisper a prayer that things will start looking up.
* * *
Waking up slowly, I realize I’m not alone and look around the room, finally spotting Nick sitting in another chair near the baby’s bed. “Hey,” I murmur seeing his attention is now on me.
“Hey yourself. How are you feeling?”
“Not too bad right now, the nurse gave me something a few hours ago.”
“It’s important to keep on top of the pain,” he replies.
“She might have mentioned that. Has the doctor come in? Did I miss him?”
“No, no one’s been here since I arrived.”
I look at him suspiciously. “How long have you been here?”
“About two hours.”
“Two hours?” Mortified, I wonder if I snored or if the medicine caused me to drool. Surreptitiously, I wipe at my mouth and am grateful that I don’t feel anything I’m not supposed to.
“Don’t worry, baby, you didn’t drool,” he states. When I glare at him, he starts laughing and I eventually join in.
“I was just checking. The pain meds knock me out!”
“Here, I brought you some things if you wanna get cleaned up,” he advises, holding out a bag. I get up and take it before heading into the bathroom, which has a small shower.
Popping my head back out, I say, “I’m gonna grab a quick shower.”
“Let me get the nurse to find something to cover your cast.”
Looking down, I grimace. The hot pink cast is going to cause me issues until it comes off. “Okay. Thanks.”
Minutes later, he’s back with a cast bag and he gently fits it over the cast. “You gonna need any help?” he asks.
“Why, you offering?” I reply. Oh my God, I did not just say that!
“I think we need to wait on me helping you in the shower,” he states, a grin on his face. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t need one of those chairs.”
“I should be okay, but thanks.”
“Any time, Shayla.” I nod and close the bathroom door and then hurry through a shower, grateful that I washed my hair the day before because washing it one-handed would be challenging at best. Maybe it’s time to t
hink about getting it cut.
Once out of the shower, I get dressed in the clothes he had brought, surprised to see tags still on all of them. My cheeks grow warm when I see my own panties and bras in the bag, wondering if he had gotten them or his mom. Deciding it was a question best left unanswered, I brushed my hair and my teeth, then gathered my dirty clothes and put them back into the bag.
As I was sitting back down, the doctor came into the room. “Well, good morning, Miss Hopkins. How is the little princess doing?” he asks, looking over the monitors and checking the tablet he carries.
“She slept all night long. Is…is the medicine working?”
“From the lab results, I would say that what we’re giving her is doing its job,” he replies. “Now, how are you feeling? Your ribs are badly bruised but the pain meds for your wrist should help with any pain you have.”
“How long will she be in here?” I ask, ignoring his question for my own. Amelia is my priority right now.
“The antibiotics are a three-day course, so at least two more days. Once they’re done, we’ll do another x-ray and if it’s clear, we’ll discharge you both.”
I smile before saying, “Thank you for everything, doctor. You were right that I wouldn’t want to be separated from Amelia. She’s my world.”
He nods at my words and says, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll see you in the morning. Should you have any concerns, let the nurses know and they’ll contact me.”
I sigh once the doctor leaves. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Nick asks.
“This is going to be an expensive adventure,” I state.
“I told you, I’ve got it.”
“I’m…we’re not your responsibility,” I reply.
“Yes, you are. You became my responsibility when I met you.”